Classical homeopathy

Homeopathy is an individual regulation therapy for body and mind

What is homeopathy?

„similia similibus curentur“

"Similar things are cured by similar things": This is the guiding principle of all homeopaths worldwide. It has been shown that a remedy which triggers certain symptoms in a healthy person can cure exactly these symptoms in the sick person. The founder of homeopathy, the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), used this similarity principle as the basis of his
medical work. The homeopathic starting substances are mainly of plant, animal or mineral nature and are diluted and shaken in a special procedure. This is how the homeopathic potencies are created, which are administered to the patient either as globules or drops.

How does homoeopathy work?

Homeopathy is an individual, holistic method of treatment. The treating homeopath does not only see the patient's illness in the conventional medical sense, but he / she tries to perceive the whole person on a physical, mental and spiritual level. In a conversation with the patient, the anamnesis, he / she asks not only all physical, mental and spiritual symptoms, but also habits, life circumstances and preferences, in order to find the individually appropriate homeopathic remedy. This is then administered in a very fine, energetically highly effective dosage. The patient's self-healing powers are thus stimulated and the restoration of physical and mental balance is set in motion.

Who and what can be treated?

In principle, homeopathic treatment is suitable for all people and animals. Homeopathy has proven itself in the treatment of both acute and chronic diseases and is widely used throughout the world. Homeopathic treatment can also be used in parallel with conventional medical therapy if certain medicines cannot be omitted. Ideally, homeopathic treatment stands on its own. In a short preliminary consultation we can clarify whether homeopathic treatment is an option for you, your child or even your pet. An initial anamnesis can take 1 ½ to 2 hours for an adult, the follow-up treatments are then usually shorter. I offer appointments exclusively online.
Complementary therapies: Bach flower therapy, Schuessler salts, vital substance therapy


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